Who Is Dr. Reuben?
“The body is a temple, but how do we get the light to shine? Expressing our inner beauty is easy when we are in our bodies.”
-Dr. Ziegler
Dr. Z’s Healing Philosophy
We need to get out of the way to remove our blockages, clear out old injuries and allow the body to unwind old patterns so that we can heal, become free and live up to our potential. I help unlock the boxed-in potential energy and transform it into the free unwound kinetic energy of expression. Better lines of communication throughout the nervous system allow the brain to communicate freely with the organs, muscles, and tissues supporting the body’s job of self-healing.
Dr. Reuben Ziegler is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Life Chiropractic West. He is a Certified Extremity Specialist. His career spans over 30 years of bodywork and various chiropractic techniques. He is a life-time learner of mind-body health and is continually learning new ways to advance the body’s ability to heal. Dr. Ziegler has traveled extensively throughout Asia and Europe studying cultures, religion, local healing and farming techniques. He ran a retreat center from 1985-1991 in Washington state.
Today Dr. Ziegler lives with this wife and children where he cares for his urban homestead. A passionate student of organic agriculture, he grows a variety of vegetables and fruits, tends bees, and ferments his own wine and just about anything else that can be fermented.